Thursday 14 July the Labor Breakfast organized by TOMARIAL in the auditorium of the European University of Valencia attended by more than seventy people who followed with interest the interventions of the speakers.

The first part dedicated to the presentation of issue number 1 of the Legal Collection of TOMARIAL Cuadernos de Vitruvio entitled “New Technologies and Labor Relations”written by Santiago Blanes Mompó, Director of Legal-Labor Area of the Firm, which also referred to the latest legal developments in labor matters. The speaker made an exhibition on the use of electronic and computer means in companies and the transformations that they cause in labor relations and in the organization of work. The obvious advantages of ICTs cannot ignore the importance of preventing them from being misused, taking into account that there are no labor regulations in this area. Many and varied are the risks for companies of the abusive and illegal use of ICT, affecting productivity, breach of data protection regulations, information society regulations and property regulations intellectual. In conclusion of the work carried out by the Director of the Legal-Labor Area of ​​TOMARIAL, the following should be highlighted:

  1. The full integration of ICT in the company
  2. The potential problems that the use of internet and e-mail for private purposes in the company can cause for company and employee by the workers.
  3. Insufficient legal order in this matter and, consequently, that the Courts have carried out a quasi-legislative task.
  4. The increase in the last years of dismissals due to the misuse or abuse of internet and email
  5. The incorporation by the company of software programs for monitoring and controlling the activity of computers and the legitimacy of such practices.
  6. The problems caused by legal uncertainty due to the lack of legal regulation in labor matters.

In short, in the author's words, a reflection of each company is advisable to know where it is and where it intends to reach in this area.
Second, after the intervention of santiago blanes, held a Round Table with the title "The lawyer and his client, the client and his lawyer" It brought together six speakers who presented their ideas about the theme in which each one contributed their point of view based on their experience and professional activity, an interesting debate between them that was of great interest to the audience that followed with attention to each and every one of the interventions of the guests, people who occupy positions of responsibility in companies and institutions of the public and private sector, which made it possible to approach the subject from very different approaches.

The participants were:

  • Mrs. Monica Gil, Corporate Director of HR and HR of FERMAX ELECTRÓNICA SAU
  • Mr. José Luís Vera, Legal and Transparency Director of DIVALTERRA SA
  • Mr. Ismael Sáez, Secretary General of UGT-PV
  • Mr. Alejandro Soliveres, Secretary General of FEMEVAL
  • Mr. Tomás Vázquez, Partner of the Legal Area of ​​TOMARIAL
  • Mr. Santiago Blanes, Director of the Legal-Labor Area of ​​TOMARIAL.
  • He moderated the debate Mr. Antonio Ballester, Partner-Director of TOMARIAL.

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